Youth & Inspiration Experts

MIE Program Graduate Profile

1.0 Introduction

Graduate profiles is set in this Master of Inspiration Economy (MIE) to ensure the benefit of all the stakeholders in the program and can be further fine-tuned to the partnering university requirements. MIE program students can use the graduate profile to select the courses in relevance to their purpose and future planning.

This graduate profile reflectsthe values and the aspirations of the MIE program that want to bring graduates that are empathetic thinkers, with creative thinking, using entrepreneurial andinnovative approaches, and have engagement with their communities, be it organisations or societies. Graduates of this MIE program as would be shown later in this profile would be unique in capturing opportunities to problem-solve and applyingtheoryin practice to a variety of complex real-world situations. Therefore, this profile would contain what the graduate of MIE program must possess as a capability, competency, attributes, including ethical and social commitments.

For the faculty teaching and facilitating the MIE program,this profile would help them to identifythe education outcomes that need to be fosteredtoincrease efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of the course or the program in general.

The MIE graduate profile targets to help in the constructive alignment of learning outcomes with teaching activities and assessment. Theprofile helpsto link between what students should be able to do as a result of their learning (learning outcomes), and the (teaching activities)in which the MIE program students engagedin, to facilitate the desired learning.

Also, this profile would help to link between the (assessment tasks)that test the students’ accomplishment compared to the defined or targeted (learning outcomes) in every course.

Tables (1) and (2) help in building theconstructive alignment of learning outcomes, teaching activities,and assessment. Also, they would help to align with the graduate profiles of the partnering university.

Any update in the program and courses intended learningoutcome, shortly called PILO's and CILO'swould be based on the clear feedback on both MIE programs with the collaborating universities and the real outcome of the courses learning outcome.

This graduate profile aims to enhance the qualification,the capabilities, the competencyand the attributes of the MIEprogram graduates. The purpose of this program is to bring a graduate that is with a holistic multi-disciplinary mindset. The profile would be updated as the program matures more with students, teaching faculty and the beneficiaries, including community perspectives. The alumniof the program would also playan important role in its future alignment with the wider goal of the program and that creating realised impact on the targeted communities socio-economic development.

However, it is worth to mention that this graduate profiles should not limit the academic freedom and unstructured learning approaches that the MIEprogram would be unique about.

2.0 Definitions of MIE program Graduate Profile Terms

This graduate profile would use many graduates attributes (GA's) that consists of knowledge (cognitive skills), skills (psychomotor or physical skills) and attributes. All these GA's are considered to be the competency the MIEprogram planned to graduate with.

The MIE program profile intendsmainly to prepare during the full one academic year of the study or the 18 month total during, inspiration economy experts or community problem-solving specialists that would have the characteristics of being scholars, practitioner,innovators,community change leadersand global citizens.

Each of the attributes have specific intended learning outcomes (ILO's) whether on the level of the MIEprogram or on the level of courses. Table (1) shows the relation between theprogram graduate attributes (competency) and the PILO's. The same terms could be used for the CILO's where possible and applicable.Table (1) MIE Program main Graduate Attributes (Competency) and its PILO's

Graduate Attributes Intended Learning Outcomesof the MIE Graduate

Knowledge (cognitive skills)

Demonstrate Knowledgeon Inspiration Economy and Socio-economic Development Arrange, define, describe, recognise, relate, selectspecific inspiration economy problems, or challenges, or foresighted opportunities that would lead to socio-economic change, or development, or risk elimination or mitigation.
Understand/ Demonstrate understanding/Realise the Inspiration Economy Approaches and Practices Explain, reiterate, reword, critique, classify, summarise, illustrate, translate, review, report, discuss, estimate, interpret, theorise, referand reflect on the needs and the problems or the opportunities that need to be tackled in the different communities or socio-economic setting or condition.
Apply/ Use knowledge of Inspiration Economy Experts Use, apply, discover, manage, execute, solve, produce, implement, construct, change, prepare, conduct, perform, react, respond, and role-playthe role of Inspiration Economy Experts,where suitable,and according to the formula of (Capacity vs. Demand).
Analyse Socio-economic condition (in the Past/ Present / Future) Break down, codify, classify, stratify, compare, quantify, measure, test, examine, relate, correlate, extrapolate, exploit, value, and synthesis the socio-economic condition and propose solution or road map of development.
Evaluate Problem, Challenges, Opportnities, and Outcomes Review, explore, justify, assess, present a case for, defend, report on, investigate, direct, appraise, argue, project-managespecific: Problem, Challenges, Opportunities, and Outcomes.
Create Socio-economic plan or outcome or solution or design, or environment Develop, plan, build, create, design, organise, revise, formulate, discover, propose, establish, integrate, rearrange, re-engineer and re-design.

Skills (Psychomotor or Physical Skills)

Graduate Attributes Intended Learning Outcomesof the MIE Graduate
Perform Inspiration Labs Define, assemble, conduct, manage, organise, select, specify inspiration labs that target to bring a solution to the community
Adapt specific Solutions Solve, adapt, combineopportunities, coordinatebetween disciplines, integratepossible solutions, formulate, modifyspecific solutions
Originate Creative Outcomes or Inspiration Models Constructlive models, compose, design, specify, manage, invent, project-manageand develop inspiration currency based models that create a differentiation in the independence of the community.

Attitudes (effective skills)

Demonstrate appreciation for the type of problems or challenges within a specific community Accruatelydescribe, differentiate, explain, thoughtfully follow, initiate, justify, propose, select, and studythe type ofproblems,or challenges within a specific community.
Show ability to developsustained outcome Adhere, alter, arrange, complete, defend, explain, generalise, identify, integrate, modify, organise, preparefor sustainable impact from the outcome solution.
Display consistent ability to be passionate about the challenges of the socio-economies and the communities Act upon discriminate, persist, persevere, display, influence, listen, modify, perform, practise, propose, qualify, question, revise, solve, use, verifyconsistent ability to be passionate about the challenges of the socio-economies and the communities.

3.0 Competency of the MIE Program Graduate Profiles

This MIE program is committed toproduce graduates who are distinguished by their clear life-purposefulness and commitment to create a change in their communities or their socio-economies. The MIEprogram graduate would have an evolving mindset that would use 'experiential lifelong-learning' and empathy to bring the best outcome solutions or development. The program graduate,therefore, would be passionate, confidentand work in synergy with a network of partners to create the targeted change and legacy for both life and livelihood.

The graduates of the MIE program will have acquired the necessary learning and experience that intellectual and pragmatically equip them with for bringing experts in the field ofinspiration economy, problem-solving and communities development. The following competencies in are what the MIEprogram targets to build in its graduates to expand their readiness for the future foresighted, and improve their choices of contribution as entrepreneurs, experts, employee,and value-added citizens.

Table (2) MIE Program detailed Graduate Competencies
3.1 Profound Knowledge and Practice

Graduatesof the MIE program will be able to demonstrate profound knowledge in the field of Inspiration Economy and its related practice while applying its relevant theoreticaland practicalframeworks.This would be achieved through:

1- Displaying profound knowledge and understanding of essential content and significance of inspiration economy and related economies.
2- Applying knowledge and engaging with the community using multi-and/or interdisciplinary enquiry.

3.2 Empathetic & Critical Thinking

Graduatesof the MIE programwill be able to synthesise and critically evaluate with empathy challenges, problems, ideas, opportunitiesand observationsfrom multiple sources and from different perspectives, i.e. with holistic thinking, in order to develop coherentand evidence-based arguments.This would be achieved through being:

1- To identify and empathetically evaluate the socio-economic conditions and critically optimise the opportunities hidden within.
2- Able to empathetically conceive,and formulate questions based on synthesising information and ideas from multiple sources and diverse perspectives.
3- Able to construct reasoned, reflexive arguments,and interpretations using valid evidence to justify approaches, and outcomes.

3.3 Solution Seeking

Graduatesof the MIE programwill be able to creatively and systematically address complex socio-economic issuesand develop practical and innovative solutions.This would be achieved through being:

1- Able to define problems with regard to their significance, ethical implications, and real-world challenges.
2- Able to explore and then analysis socio-economic and community situation based on a holistic approach that would utilise multi-disciplinary inputs.
3- Competent to research, visualise, and effectively work to create transformative solutions to the defined problems or challenges.

3.4 Communication and Engagement

Graduatesof the MIE programwill be able to work effectively in teams and engage diverse stakeholdersby communicating professionally using multiple formats.This would be achieved through being:

1- Able to communicate effectively in academic and practical language of the community.
2- Able to express information and ideas clearly, coherently, and persuasively in a varietyof forms to diverse audiences.
3- Able to interact and collaborate with individuals and groups to accomplish tasks, demonstrate the capacity for teamwork, and achieve constructive outcomes.

3.5 Independence and Integrity

Graduates of the MIE program will be able to work professionally and ethically as well as demonstrate self-management in complex situations.This would be achieved through being:

1- Able to demonstrate academic integrity and to engage in independent, ethical decision-making and action.
2- Capable of intellectual flexibility, self-assessment,and self-directed learningthat would help in the development and maturity of expertise in inspiration economy and socio-economic problem-solving.
3- Able to reflect on the explored problems, or discover opportunities,or achieved outcomes that lead to more focused improvements, or higher stage of development.

3.6 Socio-economic Focused Responsibility & Accountability

Graduates of the MIE program will be able to demonstrate respect for diversity, coexistence, passion, equity and sustainability, when trying to solve any challenge or problem within any community.This would be achieved throughhaving the competency to:

1- Understand the historical, social, political, economic and cultural significance of the socio-economic problem and be accountable to facing its challenges.
2- Recognize the importance of a resilient mindset and diverse background that would help to build the global connectedness of the inspiration economy experts or specialists and fulfil their responsibilities to sustainable solutions and outcomes.
3- Articulate distinctive strengths,and welling to go beyond the comfort zone while being able to be proactive, resilient, and dynamic.

4.0 'Progression Statements' of the MIE Program Graduate Profile

Table (2) would be the basis for the'Progression Statements'that would bedeveloped based on the final agreement with the partnering university.Besides, the Higher Education Authority and Quality Assurance requirements of the partnering university the 'Progression Statements'would cover the following: the capabilityor competency or attribute targetin relevance to the final taught courses in the MIE program,the details of the research to be carried by the graduating candidate, the holistic-rubricsthat would define the level of student score or achievement. Rubrics tables would also be designedbased on the partnering university guidance;however,all the passing students of this MIE program would be expected to have done projects in relevance to socio-economic development or communities problems solving, or both.

5.0 Frequency of Review of the Graduation Profile

The MIE program graduate profile iswritten as sets of attributesand competencies that would need to be reviewed as per the higher education requirements of the partnering universities, the outcome of the program and the academic stafffeedback. The cours coordinators, and the program manager share the responsibility for updating the design, implementation, and review of this graduate profile, in collaboration with IIEP academic representative or the MIEprogram advisory board.

Once changes are done in MIE program or course PILO's or CILO's they should be supported by recent research, graduate feedback, the outcome of graduates projects or post-graduation. Oneofthe changes approved the student evaluation mechanismsneed to be aligned to these PILO's and CILO's.